MARNIE NORRIS & Isabella Maldonado


Inclusion Matters, by Shane’s Inspiration, VicePresidenta de Educación, Estados Unidos

Licenciada por la UCLA, Marnie Norris ha trabajado en el ámbito de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro durante más de 27 años en el desarrollo de programas, la recaudación de fondos, la promoción y la planificación estratégica. Ha trabajado con el increíble equipo de Inclusion Matters by Shane's Inspiration durante veinte años, facilitando la integración social de decenas de miles de estudiantes con y sin discapacidades y creando programas, planes de estudio y una amplia variedad de material educativo que se ha reproducido a nivel nacional e internacional. Marnie apoya la misión ayudando a las comunidades asociadas a desarrollar programas de inclusión social una vez que se abren sus parques infantiles Inclusion Matters. Ha enseñado a miles de educadores, profesionales y padres de todo el mundo las mejores prácticas para planificar y facilitar la inclusión social.


Regional Program Responsible 

Inclusion Matters by Shane´s Inspiration

She has extensive experience in the design and implementation of public policies in the social sector, especially those aimed at the disabled population. She has been Technical Secretary of the Toda una Vida Plan, President of the Social Sector Cabinet and of the Ibero-American Program on Disability. Currently, Ms. Maldonado Vasco is a specialized consultant and supports the local management of Inclusion Matters in the implementation of inclusive playgrounds and the resulting recreational and educational programs in Ecuador.

Inclusive Play Educational Program - Together we are able - The Ecuadorian case.


In 2012, Inclusion Matters by Shane's Inspiration and Ecuador partnered to build the country's first fully inclusive playground in Cuenca. The project went far beyond building a play space. It facilitated a community design process involving families of children with disabilities, therapists, education specialists and local organizations. They hosted trainings at a local university and for local non-profits and facilitated Inclusion Matters by Shane's Inspiration, Together, We Are Able education program in local elementary schools. 

This initial effort to support inclusion priorities for people with disabilities in Ecuador led to several trainings with cross-sectors in government ministries on inclusive practices in design, community building, urban development, and education. With the support of the American Embassy and Consulate in Ecuador, currently under development is a project called University Training Program that is  deepening the country's commitment to inclusive education